Increased activity at Vanuatu volcanoes…

With our weather update this morning all thanks to NaDraki weather, there was a new tropical disturbance (TD07F) has developed in the last 24 hours and is located northwest of Fiji over northern Vanuatu.

And read this:

Disaster authorities in Vanuatu are closely monitoring unprecedented simultaneous increases in activity at three of the country’s volcanoes.

eight_col_VANUATU_volcanoThe Vanuatu Geohazards Department has put out level 2 alerts for both the northern and southern volcanoes of Ambrym and Tanna with local communities and tourists banned from visiting the rim of these craters.

There is a lesser level 1 alert for a volcano on Ambae island.

Geohazard officer Eslien Garaebiti says increased activity at all volcanoes has never been seen before and says the department is particularly worried about the Tanna and Ambrym craters.

“They are under major level of unrest so they are the ones that are catching our attention at the moment for any increase of activity we would respond or in backing up our monitoring system for those volcanoes.”

the most accessible in the world and are a major attraction for the tourist industry.

Newz around the Pacific for you and I..


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