World’s Toughest Job



With it being Mothers Sunday all over the world, The Boston agency posted a job vacancy online for a “director of operations” position at a company called Rehtom Inc.

The requirements sounded nothing short of brutal:

• Standing up almost all the time
• Constantly exerting yourself
• Working from 135 to unlimited hours per week
• Degrees in medicine, finance and culinary arts necessary
• No vacations
• The work load goes up on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s and other holidays
• No time to sleep
• Salary = $0

Who’d want a job like that right?

The job ad got 2.7 million impressions from paid ad placements. Only 24 people inquired. They interviewed via webcam, and their real-time reactions were captured on video.

Check out their reactions in the linked video below, it’s worth the watch!

Happy Mothers Day!

About Leonard Radrodro

Maker of Commercials. Happily married with a beautiful daughter. Music Junkie.

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