Trying to Be Healthy? Grab some bu Bu!

With the brand new year, comes brand new  New Year’s resolutions. If you’re anything like me, these resolutions are just a list of tasks that I know I’m either going to break or fail at before the month of January is up.

But not this year! This year I’ve made a promise to myself to achieve at least one of the resolutions listed. One of these resolutions is to make a dedicated effort to be more healthy. I know it sounds easier said than done, but after checking out health tips every morning, it may not be as hard as I initially thought.

Take today’s tip for example. Today’s tip was to drink coconut water, or bu as we in Fiji know it. To be honest, I’ve never been a big fan only because I’ve always refused to pay the $1 – $2 it costs to buy it. But after sitting down and thinking about it, is that really a bad thing? How often do we spend the same amount (or more) on fizzy drinks or drinks that aren’t good for us?

So if you’re like me and you’re trying to get healthy this year, grab some bu. Check out just some of the fantastic health benefits that come from drinking it.


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