Trying out our recipe for the weekend: Fijian Purini #HomeMade

All thanks to i tried out our recipe for the weekend: Fijian Purini

And you can also check out this link for more:

i didn’t take pictures of the steps but i assure you that i followed everything but decided to do half the mearuements as my first attempt. Here are some of the pictures of my son’s and niece with the outcome.

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We had it as it was and added some nice Rewa butter and enjoyed it with a nice hot cup of Drau-ni-moli!! I encourage you to double or lessen the measurements as you like and enjoy!!


I didn’t have tins so i used a pot instead. It was lovely!! and i had to make more because of the demands…lol…

Feel free to share with us if you have whipped up some of our recipes 🙂


Have a blessed Tuesday!!

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