The Galaxy S8

The Galaxy S8 represents the pinnacle of smartphone innovation – from its stunning “infinity” display to its cutting-edge iris recognition software and its new “intelligent interface”, Bixby.

While retaining many of the widely-praised features of the Galaxy S7 Edge, such as the curved screen, 12-megapixel rear camera, wireless charging and water resistance, it has added just enough to elevate it above its rivals.

Samsung has really excelled itself in terms of design. The company has taken the curved glass screen that proved so popular on the Galaxy S7 Edge and mirrored it on the back of the device, giving the Galaxy S8 a pleasingly symmetrical appearance.

The physical Home button has been replaced with a pressure-sensitive digital button, meaning the entire front of the phone is a single pane of glass, interrupted only by a narrow slit for the speaker at the very top.

There are also various “beauty” settings to even out your skin tone, slim your face, and even widen your eyes if you’re into that sort of thing.

Source: Mirrors Online

About Vani Ratukalou

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