It’s Mail Order Catalod Day!!
Although Benjamin Franklin has a good claim to be the world’s first mail order entrepreneur, it is the anniversary of the first Montogomery Ward catalogue of 1872 that has provided the date for Mail Order Catalog Day. Over the intervening years, it grew from a single page of products to a monster capable of striking fear into the stoutest of postal workers!
Alas, the Montgomery Ward behemoth is no longer with us, having faded away in 1985, but stalwarts such as Sears still carry the torch, whilst the catalogue with the longest run to date, the Hammacher Schlemmer, still plies tools and building materials (no doubt including torches, should Sears ever drop theirs).
Celebrate the day in style by signing up for a few mail order catalogues and ordering some goodies. Running shoes are a great place to start, especially if your postman is not of a forgiving nature.
It’s also: National Soft Ice Cream Day!!
- Soft serve ice cream is a result of air being introduced during freezing.
- Soft serve ice cream has been around since the 1930′s
Go out for some soft ice cream and use #NationalSoftIceCreamDay to post on social media.
And:Bad Poetry Day
Let’s face it – not everybody’s the best writer, lyricist or poet. But don’t let that stop you!Bad Poetry Day encourages you to give it a go anyway by putting pen to paper and writing some terrible verse. If you’re feeling particularly cruel, you could read your bad poetry to friends, family and colleagues; hopefully they’ll enjoy good poetry more in the future!
Not forgetting:
- Serendipity Day
- Birth Control Pills Day