Happy 12th Birthday FaceBook!! #FriendsDay

images (1)Facebook – the world’s biggest social media network – is turning 12 today. CEO Mark Zuckerberg reminisces in his post how the journey started when he wrote the first code for the site in January 2004.

The idea behind the network was initially to help students at Zuckerberg’s college to connect with each other. From a close-knit portal, Facebook today has over 1.5 billion users around the world.

Zuckerberg is celebrating the anniversary as #friendsday- a way to celebrate the friendships and relationships that have made a difference in people’s lives through the network.

On February 4, Zuckerberg has called on Facebook users to celebrate the day with him by sharing a story about friendships that have made a difference in their lives.

Over these 12 years, Facebook has ventured into a variety of projects, initiatives, and technologies with the idea of connecting more and more people across the globe.

It’s also:

  • Fat Thursday
  • Homemade Soup Day
  • Liberace Day
  • Medjoola Date Day
  • National Create a Vacuum Day
  • National Stuffed Mushroom Day
  • Quacker Day
  • USO Day
  • World Cancer Day

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