
Google And Youtube reveal new measures to combat online terrorism

Videos on Google that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content will appear behind warning messages and will not support ads

Google has increased its efforts to tackle online terrorism with the introduction of four new steps to address the problem. The internet giant acknowledged that the threat poses a serious challenge and more immediate action needs to be taken.


Google is also working together with Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter to establish an international forum. This platform would be used to share and develop technology.  It will also be used to support smaller companies and accelerate our joint efforts to tackle terrorism online.


They have pledged four additional steps in the fight against online terrorism. And their engineers have developed technology to prevent terrorist content using image-matching techniques.

Measures that are being taken: 4 Steps

Better detection of extremist content
Google engineering resources will apply its most advanced machine learning research to train new content classifiers. This would help identify and remove extremist and terrorism-related content more quickly.

More experts
Google will increase the number of independent experts in YouTube’s Trusted Flagger program. It will expand this program by adding 50 expert NGOs that it will support with operational grants. It will also expand its work with counter-extremist groups to help identify content. Content that may be used to radicalize and recruit extremists.

Tougher standards
The company will take a tougher stance on videos that do not clearly violate its policies. In the future, videos such that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content will appear behind an interstitial warning. They will not be monetized, recommended or eligible for comments or user endorsements.

Early Intervention and expanding counter-extremism work
Google-owned YouTube will expand its role in counter-radicalization efforts. Its approach targets online advertising to reach potential militant recruits. After which, redirects them towards anti-terrorist videos that can change their minds about joining.


About Joslyne Thaggard

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