Singles Awareness Day

So yesterday was Valentine’s day and for those of you who did not celebrate it because you’re single, not to worry, there is also a day for you to celebrate 😀

Singles awareness day is a humorous holiday that provides single people with an alternative to Valentine’s Day festivities. Some people consider Singles Awareness Day (sometimes shortened to S.A.D.) as the anti-Valentine’s Day and celebrate it on Feb. 14, but others recognize Feb.15 as the official holiday.

The S.A.D. acronym suggests that singles are probably depressed on Valentine’s Day, but singles out there know they don’t need a significant other to “complete” them — their lives are awesome with or without a partner. There are tons of advantages to being single, from saving money that would normally be spent on date nights to having more free time.

So this Singles Awareness Day, take the opportunity to treat yourself my friend with;

  • Ice Cream (enjoy with a friend or 2)
  • Massage
  • Catch up with a group of friends (single) and exchange gifts
  • Have a Guys’ or Girls’ Night Out
  • Or travel


Don’t be saddened with the fact that you’re single, enjoy life to the fullest and wait for the right time to settle down….treat yourself today!

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