Opps! she did it again.

Pop music favorite Britney is known for her catchy songs, dance routines and her ability to always get the crowd going.
Many adults even now secretly wish to snag those Britney Spears concert tickets, and for those lucky ones who saw her this weekend in Japan, they got a taste of something a little different.

During a performance of 2001 hit I’m A Slave 4 U, Britney got caught out.
As she danced against a pole she was wearing a mask, sounds entertaining right?

But as she removed her mask she managed to somehow remove her mic which got tangled in her hair, but embarrassingly the ‘vocals’ she was supposedly singing live, carried on, revealing that she had been lip syncing the whole time.

Tobo tale o Britney..LOL


Source: metro.co.uk

About Sala Allen

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