The internet has gone on a frenzy with the new challenge on Social Media Sites known as #TrashTag.
The #TrashTag challenge has now inspired people to go to locations covered in garbage, pick up the trash, and post before and after pictures on social media.
According to CNN, so far, there are more than 26,000 posts on Instagram and countless volunteers have cleaned up parks, roads and beaches around the world.

The challenge became popular recently, after a Reddit post that challenged individuals to “make the world a better place.”
But the idea first started in 2015 when outdoors clothing company UCO launched the #TrashTag Project.
The #TrashTag challenge has been raising awareness of litter pollution and the scale of ocean plastic.
So how about it Fiji? What say we start this #TrashTag Challenge in our own backyard to make Fiji a better place?
Like my high school motto used to say, “Leave the world better than you found it.”
Definitely something Fiji can do too 🙂