Myspace: easy for hackers to resurrect an old account and steal the personal information
If you were a social media user in the days before Facebook, you may have been an enthusiastic Myspace user . But with social media sites like Facebook, your account is probably in a back drawer in cyberspace.
Now according to one cyber security expert, you should delete your old account right away. It turns out that it’s incredibly easy for hackers to gain access to old accounts. And this could be how they exploit the personal information they contain.
Although the site has seen usage drop dramatically in the last ten years, it still holds a huge amount of personal information. Last year it emerged that Myspace was the subject of a huge database breach that dated back to 2013, compromising 350 million accounts.
Of course, if you’re not using Myspace any more than the most sensible option is probably just to get rid of your account completely.
The message is simple: delete your account while you still have access.