Happy National Drawing Day


Something my kids love doing is drawing. From cartoon characters to car models to stick figures 🙂

And i sure love keeping pictures and just about every drawing they make. #MakingMemories



History of Drawing Day
Drawing day is there to remind us of the time when we were too tied up in the amazing and beautiful things that came out of our imagination and onto the page to be self-conscious about them. We weren’t worried about how good we were or weren’t, we just knew that it was time to take our inner worlds and bring them out in glorious color. Some of us were amazing, to begin with, some of us got there drawing after painful drawing, and some of us let the artist within us die out under a wave of “not being good enough.”

Drawing Day reminds you that everything inside you is worthwhile and worthy to be shared with the world. It’s also there to bring much-needed appreciation and awareness to illustrators and artists. Anywhere you see a picture, from a business card to a beautiful mural on a painting, to every birthday card you’ve ever bought, an artist was designed in making it. The best way we can thank these intrepid creative souls is by picking up the pencil and making some noise for the lost and forgotten artists of the world. And maybe find a few more in the process.


commemorating this day is simple……DRAW! something, anything, just use your imagination and get lost in it to produce a drawing that has meaning and that will bring back memories 🙂

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