Ba Goes Pink

As we come towards the end of October we also mark the end of Pinktober, Fiji’s  Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

The soccer crazy town of Ba celebrated the end of this memorable occasion at the Ba Civic Center this morning. Members of the public turned up in numbers with the presence of Police and other government departments.

img_8591This events also included one of the female survivor Mrs. Florence Nainima who is a Nurse at the Namosau Mission Hospital in Ba. Mrs Nainima shared her sad experience with those who were present at the event today. The survivor urged those who may have the symptoms of cancer to get regular checkups to avoid the disease from getting bigger.


People present at the event were taught how to find out if they had lumps that can lead to breast cancer. Of course cancer is not a selective illness,  prostate cancer is a major killer amongst men in our community. The nurses advised men that were present today how they can get checks and screenings from the local hospitals.

I caught up with the National Advisor for Family Health Dr Torika Tamani during the event and i started by asking her how we go about creating an awareness of cancer in the people of Fiji?

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If you or anyone in your family is concerned about their health and thinks medical checkups is a good idea,the biggest lesson that i have learned out of today’s event is don’t wait get the checkups that you need.

You can find all the information you need about medical services in Fiji at the ministry website.


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